spam senders should differentiate between their male and female recipients. why bother sending me emails on penis enlargement? i have no need for that whatsoever. boob enhancement would more successfully catch my attention and interest, rather than a mere roll of the eye.
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The Office and its Partners have a certain way of doing things. Those who deviate from the norm are not appreciated. Yet, different people have different ways of doing things; if you deviate from their norm then you might perhaps be the subject of disapproval.
It’s sometimes confusing, and getting to be a little annoying.
It doesn’t help that mistakes aren’t always overlooked or tolerated; the other week it felt like there’re some who expect newcomers to enter knowing exactly what they should do and how things should be done. Don’t they remember how it was when they first joined?
Anyway, like one of my bosses said, it doesn’t matter how perfect your track record might be – all it takes is that one mistake at the wrong time in front of the wrong people to derail your career. Similarly, it doesn’t matter if your record might be a little spotty if the right thing happened at an opportune time.
While i’m not facing either predicament, i totally agree with his opinion. However, The Office appears to provide ample opportunities for the former situation to occur, which is not good – remember also that the prevailing sentiment seems to be that unless there’s a natural disaster (or similar sort of totally uncontrollable event) resulting in something going wrong, there’s never really any excuse for shifting the blame beyond yourself.
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