It’s way past my bedtime but I wanted to note that the past two weeks were wonderful. I can’t believe that it’s over so soon, that it’s way past my bedtime and that it’s back to work tomorrow.
It was simply wonderful being together again, just going out and cramping all the dates that we’ve missed into two weeks. We watched five movies, ate way too much good food, saw less of Singapore than we probably should have but enjoyed just having each other again.
Somehow saying goodbye this time was harder than the last three times, but at least we know that this separation won’t be for too long – if things go well we will be together again by Christmas, if not earlier. Until then, it’s time to diet and recover from all the amazing stuff we’ve eaten and to press on with the rest of life.
Crazy good apple cinnamon waffles at Max Brenner’s Cafe. I hadn’t been back in many years, the waffles weren’t cheap at about $18 but were oh-so delicious and very sweet :)
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