When will people from the West ever realise that more than half the world we live in comprises people who are not Caucasians and that things are different and can’t be expected to be the same?
Domino’s Pizza – Still Ridiculously Expensive in Japan
I think it’s very important that someone inform them sometime – and make sure it gets into their heads – that out there in the grand scheme of things, they’re in the MINORITY and they simply cannot – i repeat, CANNOT – take for granted that what they’re used to is what other people are used to as well.
stop bitching that pizza is expensive in Japan. you’re only saying that because you’re ordering pizza every week more than once a week, like some of the other people I know. if you tried eating Japanese food or stopped being lazy and actually cooked for yourself using ingredients found in ordinary supermarkets rather than ordering in cos you’re hungover from heavy and irresponsible drinking the night before or even the entire weekend, you’ll find having the occasional pizza much more affordable.
i just wished that back in Osaka, there was some other born-and-bred Asian who spoke fluent English whom I could team up with and argue with all those close-minded – or ignorant, to give them the benefit of the doubt - people, to inform them that more than half the world has experiences that are NOT like theirs and they ought to change their mindset to at least acknowledge that fact.
i totally agree!
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