Wednesday, September 19, 2012


Just wanted to quickly jot down some thoughts.

Have a feeling of being inspired today and gained a glimpse into certain directions I wish to pursue and explore further. These bear more thought and reflection, but I must be diligent in setting aside time to do that.

It’s easy to get distracted when you’re trying to keep in touch with friends, find a job, go for ballet, keep up with the demands of work, remain up to date on current affairs and get enough sleep at the same time. Something has to give, and I’m not sure what it will be – at the moment it looks like it’s entertainment (like computer games and TV shows), sleep and fiction books.

But that said, I must remind myself to push those thoughts further and do more reading on various topics, as well as find more sources of reading material. Self-enrichment is the first step to self-enlightenment.


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