There’re a few Japan blogs I like to read, and this is one of them.
I like the simple and clear writing style, great photos, cool insights, and most of all I like that its mainly set in Osaka or Kansai (which totally kick ass compared to Tokyo*) – a nice change from all the Tokyo blogs out there.
There was a post providing some short updates on the earthquake, one of which relating to the relations between the two main Japanese political parties. In there was a brilliant quote, which I’m quite inclined to agree with:
“The average mental age in the diet is still five or so, in other words, and there's no sign that this disaster will improve anything on that front.”
It pretty much sums up the state of Japanese politics at the moment, and I REALLY hope for Japan’s sake that the people in charge – and by that I don’t just mean the government, but also those who wield the power and make the decisions in companies – get their act together.
It’ll be a great tragedy should the future see Japan slip further into decline due to poor leadership – forces of nature cannot be prevented, but this can.
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