It’s crazy how this week just went past.
Two colleagues are out of the office, one of whom I share responsibility with. Though there weren’t that many big ticket issues that had to be dealt with, enough little things trickled in to make me constantly occupied.
That, coupled with two nights out (to meet up with friends and to watch The King’s Speech*) plus the fact that I’ll out of the country next week meant working late today, watching a grand total of one show this week (an episode of 30 Rock caught on the way to work!) and getting to sit at this computer today only slightly before midnight.
The earthquake and tsunami that hit Japan meant lots of time spent on Facebook and the net, checking out if friends are ok and catching up on the news. So quickly was the admission that Naoto Kan had accepted donations from a ‘foreigner’ pushed aside as graver news came in. Two of my colleagues happen to be in Tokyo now too, which meant concern in the office as well.
My attempts to recall what I did last week – it seems like so long ago, yet I’ve suddenly found myself at the end of another week – bring to mind two things. First, that it’s been nearly two weeks now since I played Portal I think; the cake at the moment is still a lie, and I’m quite eager to see that changed. Unfortunately the ‘end boss’ still stands between me and my reward (cake and a cute song; what more can one ask for?) and I’m terrible at playing games.
Second, is what occupied me for several hours last weekend and the reason as to why the Uniqlo calendar is at the top of this page. The calendar is fascinating and awesome beyond description, and inspired me to try out some of my own:
Thoughts of Japan also remind me that I’ve only tried making one tiltshift picture of a Japan scene (which wasn’t very good), and that I should go through my photos of Japan to make some more.
*: Good show! Go watch it – it was enjoyable throughout with never a dull or slow moment. I like that British films always have a subtle quality to them and tend to contain witty dialogue.
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